H.H Tapovanji Maharaj Jayanthi and Geetha Jayanthi Day celebrated on November 27 at Chinmaya Mission, Madurai.
'Make use of Him, if you can" says Gurudev, about his Master Swami Tapovanji Maharaj..
Tapovanji is a Light, a Fragrance and a Joy, who stands as a silent witness to all we do in the Mission.
'Behold Sri Krishna in all' was his message. To create ample space of Guru and Govinda in our hearts, the family of Chinmaya, assembled in the hall at 10.00 a.m. The members, Devi Group and the public chanted 'Guru Stotram', and 'Tapovan Shatkam" invoking the grace of paramguru - Tapovanji Maharaj.
Then all the assembled recited Sri Bagawad Geetha, chapters.. the hall just vibrated with the 'amruthavarshini' of Yogeshwar - Sri Krishna.. Ashtothra pooja and Arthi was performed. Having firmly installed them in the minds and hearts, the crowd dispersed with prasad and glow in the faces..
'the greatness is not in what we do., but always in how we do, what we do'- Swami Chinmayananda