It was a pleasure to receive Mr. Florin Stanscu and his seven students from
Mr. Florin Stanescu, is practicing yoga for the past 22 years and has close association with Sri Yogeswar Karthik, Chennai. The master Mr. Florin, demonstrated a few high tech Asanas, along with his students and explaining its effects on the body and spoke thus:
‘ µ His country
µ It is so unfortunate to see that many Indians are not aware of their own treasures and
still many are hidden and yet to be explored !
µ When compared to
µ Yoga makes one’s body and mind tuned to realize the Supreme
µ Yoga helps one to meditate
µ Yoga is Universal, though he is a Christian by birth, practicing Yoga for several years
and teaching to the Romanians
µ Whatever be the trouble or chaos in one’s life either personal or official, meditate. The obstacles will disappear and explained his personal experiences.
These ancient, but golden verses heard from our Acharyas and great thinkers. Experiencing