Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prasnopanishad Class at Chinmaya Mission 2.12.200 to 7.12.2009

During the period the hall was packed with those who are interested in listening Upanishad chosen by Gurudev. Br. Srinivas Chithanyaji, brushed our memory of Mundakopanishad, before he launched on the Prasnopanisad. As a part of Atharvana Veda, while the former indicates the Truth, the latter gives the ways and means to find out that Truth. These classes, dealt in detail on the answer given by Rishi Pippalaha, to the question put forth by the sincere desciple 'Kabandhi'

Some points to ponder:

  • a true seeker should follow 'tapas', 'bramacharya' and 'shraddha'
  • 'tapas' or 'dhyanam' is the most valuable possession. The real treasure, one can cherish.
  • 'brhmacharya' - as control of all five sense organs and the pleasures they tempt
  • 'shraddha' is the earnest faith one has towards his guru and vedas
  • 'faith' has no logic and ' logic has no faith' . It is the most important pursuit.
  • 'faith' gives the direction to the soul to travel
  • the whole episode is a theory of "Relativity vs Reality"
  • Relativity is a mental dependence, that is supported by the substratum, which is independent of relativity.
  • How Prajapathy himself manifested as 'prakriti' and 'Prana' and how the time, space and direction revealed themselves.
  • Thus the whole creation is the 'grace of the Divine' permitting the jiva to realize the purpose of this birth, brakes the net of 'maya' to merge into Him.
  • the search for the Supreme reality is the Spiritual quest.
Om Shanthi !

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  1. Hariom Gopalsamyji,

    Great job. thanks for updating us with the mission activities. lots of improvement in the blog, especially the points to ponder. though we could not attend to the yagnas, we are able to get a gist of it through your summary. thanks for the very sincere efforts taken.
