Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A one day “Spiritual Camp for Senior Citizen” was organized on January 31, (Sunday). by Chinmaya Vanaprastha Sansthan, a wing of Chinmaya Mission. Vanaprastha Camp in Chinmaya Mission was a salutary thing guarding our elders. This camp expressed affection which is our strength. Around 80 yearning hearts were the sincere participants of the camp. It is not an intellectual or mental guidance that was given, but a sheer spiritual experience to be undertaken, which makes a complete metamorphosis of one’s life.

Seeking the blessings of Mother Meenakshi and Gurudev., Br Sri. Srinivas Chaitanyaji, began the Session by his inspiring talks on spiritual life.


  • Grow older than your age

  • Age of the body has no real connection to the mind

  • Be younger than your mind

  • Youthfulness is the expression of mind and soul

§ Equanimity of mind will be achieved only when there is a seeking for spirituality

§ Spiritual quest will keep you happy

§ Keep fresh and keep smiling

§ Happiness is momentary, dependent on fulfilment of a desire whereas peace is absence of desires and hence independent

§ So start your life from the state of peace

§ The senses are cooperating as they lose youthful vitality. Thus old age is a blessing!

§ Then the purpose of life is only to know God.

§ Make use of the time to read, contemplate and reflect on God. Then you will remain untouched by the worldly objects.

§ Pass on the spiritual culture to your family. It is the greatest responsibility of the elders.

In the next Simple Yoga Techniques Session, Sri Gopalsamy, Joint Secretary of Chinmaya Mission who conducts regular Yoga classes in the Mission, explained and taught some easy Mudras, that are convenient and comfortable to the elders, at the same time healing their illness like blood pressure, asthma, constipation, back pain and reduce tension. His session ended with: What you are is God’s Gift to you. What you make of yourself is your Gift to God….

Living without Jealous and Greed and thus promoting a sound mind in a sound body was the key note of Rtn. Dr. E. Radhakrishnan on the topic Health is Wealth.

“How to loosen the shackle” was the talk of Ms. Mallika Sekar, during post lunch Session.

Points to Ponder:

  • Have a detached attachment.
  • Advise only when approached.
  • Care for values than valuables.
  • Sat sang and scriptural study makes you strong mentally and promotes solace.

The camp ended with a Group Discussion on “What is my take home message?” Vote of Thanks delivered by Sri Thilagar, Secretary. Feed-back from the participants were very encouraging... Of course the senior citizens, where at ease with good refreshments and sumptuous lunch.

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