Friday, April 16, 2010

"Prasnopanishad" Class at Chinmaya Mission Madurai

It seems that Poojya Gurudev, in the presence of Lord Dakshinamoorthy, decided to give this ‘final touch’ of "Prasnopanishad" through Swami Sivayogananda. , who beautifully synthesized upanishad... Blessed are those who are able to conceive and comprehend....

The essence in a nutshell:

  • Prior to the evolution of a man’s spiritual progress, he is ‘mooda athma’.! This is nothing but his close association with material objects and worldly pleasures.

  • Then he steps up, to be ‘Vijanathma’. This is the last remnant of illusion and the first touch of reality.

Q: When does one become ‘Vijanathma’?

A: When one follows the instruction of the Guru with utmost sincerity and devotion he remains as ‘pure self’. When the soul is so pure, then he experiences the first touch of reality. Once he realises this, silence sets in.

It is enough to bring one to the very frontier of knowledge to know the immensity of the unknown. Then it is upto that person to dive in.

  • A life long discipline thus becomes a must.
  • 'ॐ 'is the only fuel to lift you.
  • Though from time immemorial, people chant 'ॐ ' they reach those planes depending on their ‘sangalpa’ on the different syllable of 'ॐ '
  • All these are ephemeral and a true spiritual seeker should not be carried away by a glimpse of these planes.
  • The ultimate spirituality is ‘shantham’, is ‘peaceful tranquillity, attained by ''in wholistic.
  • Thus one gets firmly established in a state of fearlessness.
  • ‘Prana’ is ‘Shakthi’, the vibrating force of ‘Shivam’, who is the master key of whole creation.
  • Only by chanting , ' ॐ ' the pranava mantham, ‘Prana’ can be controlled.
  • As in the water cycle, the ‘Atman’ should merge into its source by chanting continuously ' ॐ '
  • ‘Prana’ to ‘nama roopa’ the ‘Athman’ to be shaded with ‘Shodasakala’ which is otherwise so pure.
  • Thus, the sage ‘Pippalahar’ explained 'ॐ ' in a crystal clear manner to all his six disciples.

It is pleasant to note, .,twenty years before, Gurudev took this text in Madurai (‘Prasnopanishad’ ).... Blessed maduraities!!

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